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Natures Image is proud to present our line of artificial corals. The corals that are represented here are exact replicas of those that occur on coral reefs around the world. By purchasing this coral replica you are aiding in the conservation and awareness of the coral reef environment worldwide.
    Our beautiful renditions can be found in many public aquariums and private collections around the world where dead coral skeletons are no longer used.
    Following are a few facts about the care and maintenance of our coral replicas which will add to your enjoyment of their beauty.
    Made of special high-grade polyurethane, they are completely safe for the livestock and water quality in both fresh and saltwater aquariums.  These coral replicas can be placed in the aquarium immediately, there is no curing time. Of course, a freshwater rinse is always advisable to remove any packing residue or dust.  These coral replicas are not painted or dyed; the color of the piece is solid throughout.  These coral replicas are UV color stabilized, this allows us to guarantee 95% color retention over years of exposure to both aquarium lights and sun.
    The natural build up of algae can be considered by some to enhance the beauty of an aquarium. However, if cleaning is required, a gentle scrubbing with a soft toothbrush works well. If you prefer, you may soak the piece in a 50% - 50% bleach and water solution.
    Caution:When using bleach on any aquarium ornament or decoration allow it to dry and set at least 24 hours in the sun in order for the chlorine to dissipate.
    We sincerely hope you enjoy these beautiful coral reproductions as much as we do.

Walt and Deborah Smith,
And the staff of Natures Image